Whole body training designed for you

I teach exercises from several systems including Restorative Exercise, Yoga, Restore Your Core®, Pilates and traditional strength training for all abilities.

Specific exercises curated to achieve your unique goals

The specific exercises that you will learn are put together to achieve your unique goals - rebalancing strength and flexibility where they are most needed and for their role in improving how you move and feel in everyday life. 

If you have an issue affecting one area - be it back pain, leaking when you sneeze, diastasis recti or osteoporosis - it is often a symptom of an imbalance across the body, rather than a faulty part.

So rather than spot-treating your weak areas, we look at the entire body and your movement patterns to determine what your body needs to support and repair a problem area.

Teaching underpinned by scientific understanding and current research

As a biologist, my teaching is underpinned by scientific understanding and current research in anatomy, physiology, biomechanics and exercise science. I weave educational information into all my classes and programmes so that you learn the why not just the how of movement. 

You absolutely do not need to be an expert in anything or even remotely interested in science or anatomy to work towards a better physical experience in your body. However, in my experience understanding a little more about how your body works can really support your movement practice, your fitness activities and your journey towards a more active life.